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Tuesday, April 25, 2006 

One for the lads!

Great link here to some 'babes' who react to your commands!

A couple of things to try are: 'jump, dance, etc' its upto you to find some hot commands..

By the powers of reverse engineering using a little program called 'SWF Decompiler' I am able to reveal all the commands available!. If you dont want to see them, then look away now...
For those of you who cant be bothered to find them out for yourself then scroll down!
"wave", "hello", "greetings", "hi", "wotcha", "howdy", "jump", "leap", "hop", "skip", "bounce", "totter", "heels", "run", "heels", "dolly", "panic", "flee", "tickle", "excite", "play", "fiddle", "laugh", "giggle", "chuckle", "happy", "laughter", "smile", "cry", "sob", "upset", "unhappy", "mewl", "bitch", "beg", "beg like a dog", "dog", "doggy", "hound", "bitch", "canine", "heat", "pant", "monty python", "monty", "python", "crush", "squish", "squash", "trample", "die", "kill", "murder", "girl", "sandwich", "threesome", "cuddle", "huddle", "group", "hug", "roast", "robot", "cyborg", "machine", "robotics", "computer", "suck", "lick", "finger", "plum", "plums", "lollypop", "sweet", "candy", "lollypops", "sweets", "pout", "mouth", "lips", "love", "jiggle", "shake", "wiggle", "gyrate", "flip", "bird", "minging", "ugly", "ripper", "hooker", "munter", "moose", "whore", "screw", "swear", "slag", "flirt", "prick", "tease", "smoulder", "sexy", "come", "want", "muscle", "strong", "flex", "muscleman", "iron", "man", "strength", "bulge", "funny", "silly", "dance", "david", "brent", "boogie", "office", "groove", "party", "lap", "leg", "balance", "stand", "over", "trip", "stumble", "fall", "collapse", "accident", "angry", "smash", "camera", "violence", "aggressive", "punch", "hit", "knock", "violent", "break", "shatter", "cleavage", "squeeze", "juicy", "fight", "tug", "war", "pull", "chicken", "hen", "peck", "wedgie", "camel", "toe", "hoof", "joke", "growler", "fanny", "punani", "revenge", "minge", "splits", "acrobat", "bendy", "agile", "contest", "arm", "wrestle", "change", "tyre", "fix", "flat", "wheel", "mend", "repair", "pissed", "drunk", "legless", "booze", "alcohol", "steaming", "wasted", "bolloxed", "chav", "asbo", "drink", "spank", "punish", "naughty", "kinky", "peach", "slap", "bad", "pat", "kiss", "snog", "make", "frenchie", "french", "tongue", "gay", "lesbian", "bum", "arse", "ass", "hotpants", "shorts", "hot", "pants", "behind", "sugar", "exhaust", "keys", "drop", "saucy", "bend", "stoop", "sauciness", "breast", "massage", "feel", "fondle", "grope", "boobs", "undress", "flash", "melons", "jugs", "kit", "tits", "bra", "hooter", "hooters", "orgasm", "cum", "climax", "moan", "writhe", "car", "hammer", "total", "wreck", "destroy", "scrap", "smash", "attack", "crash", "news", "paper", "easy", "read", "relax", "page", "3", "fuck", "shag", "back", "seat", "get it on", "love", "bang", "dirty", "drive", "sex", "banana", "fruit", "job", "blow", "hummer", "head", "taste", "dick", "chew", "bite", "stocking", "lingerie", "underwear", "angel", "suspenders", "knickers", "strip", "fashion", "slave", "groom", "spread", "flange", "wax", "detail", "bonnet", "hood", "fender", "polish", "shine", "shammy", "headlight", "bumper", "plate", "buff", "lather", "soap", "bubbles", "bubbly", "suds", "bucket", "sponge", "wash", "clean", "rinse", "valet", "wing", "mirror", "titwank", "wank", "wet", "shirt", "competition", "spray", "soak", "tim", "watering", "tee", "rub", "slick", "baby", "oil", "water", "pistol", "shower", "spray", "pose", "display", "sexy", "fit", "yoga", "pilates", "stretch", "exercise", "gym", "bootie", "shake", "grind", "work", "legs", "thighs", "lube", "extra", "funbags", "bury", "dyke", "puppies", "airbags", "airbag", "nuzzle", "photo", "snap", "model", "shoot", "lens", "lense", "glamour", "picture", "perform", "beach", "ball", "pig", "middle", "throw", "catch", "limbo", "lads", "floor", "pussy", "open", "boot", "herbie", "alive", "scare", "randy", "lucky", "auto", "foam", "soapy", "cheeky", "minx", "naked", "cherry", "cherries", "feed", "munch", "sauce", "give", "number", "write", "date", "fancy", "top", "gear", "jeremy", "clarkson", "magazine", "letch", "perv", "harass", "stalk", "stalker", "dildo", "cunt", "anal", "dildo", "penis", "piss", "shit", "golden", "Wave", "Jump", "Run", "Tickle", "Laugh", "Cry", "Beg", "Python", "Sandwich", "Robot", "Finger", "Candy", "Pout", "Jiggle", "Flip", "Flirt", "Muscle", "Dance", "Oneleg", "Fall", "Angry", "Cleavage", "Fight", "Chicken", "Camel", "Wedgie", "Splits", "Contest", "Fix", "Drunk", "Spank", "Spank2", "Kiss", "Bum", "Keys", "Breast", "BoobsAli", "BoobsJenna", "BoobsKarina", "Climax", "Hammer", "Relax", "Shag", "Banana", "CatwalkAli", "CatwalkJenna", "CatwalkKarina", "Slave", "Wax", "Polish", "Soap", "Washcar", "Wingmirror", "Wetshirt", "Oil", "oil", "Pistols", "Pose", "Yoga", "Bootie", "Thighs", "Funbags", "PhotoAli", "PhotoJenna", "PhotoKarina", "Ball", "Limbo", "Pussy", "Herbie", "Foam", "Cherry", "Number", "Topgear", "Rude"



The words starting with caps are not commands but movies matched against commands. And many words are actually mapped to one movie. So the unique actions can be viewed by smaller list of commands: wave jump totter tickle laugh cry beg monty python girl robot suck lollypop pout jiggle flip flirt muscle dance leg over angry cleavage fight chicken wedgie growler splits contest change pissed spank peach kiss bum keys breast boobs melons bra orgasm car news fuck banana stocking lingerie suspenders slave wax polish lather wash wing wet rub water pose yoga bootie legs funbags photo shoot picture beach limbo pussy herbie foam cherry give top dildo

No skin, just teasing.

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