kids for tomorrow - the deployer ep
Its an EP titled 'the deployer ep' and its by 'kids for tomorrow'.
Tracklisting is:
01. Esto Perpetua
02. Only You Can Prevent Florist Fires
03. Flasc
04. Back to Helix
05. Holy Shit! (Great Balls of Fire)
To sum it up I would say its like BOC incorporating some early FSOL sounds with sprinklings of ORBesque samples. It flows wonderfully from start to finish and takes you on journeys through relaxation, paranoia, humour and bliss.
My first hearing was one of those moments when you feel as though you have just re-discovered music (or music has just re-discovered you!).
It might have been something to do with the copious amounts of alcohol I consumed coupled with listening to it with head phones - LOUDLY - but I seriously doubt it after several more listens in the meantime.
Do your ears a favour and get this!
Downloadable from here:
Labels: Music