Tuesday, February 27, 2007 

OMG - Customised coffins!

I have never seen this before:

Welcome to Colourful Coffins - Part of the Oxford Coffins Group of Companies


Monday, February 19, 2007 

Two new words.

Thought of two new words today:

Word: Graphician.
Definition: One who manipulates computer graphics.
Usage: The graphician is finalising the artwork for my new CD.

Word: Pixelist.
Definition: One who manipulates computer graphics.
Usage: The pixelator is finalising the sprites for my new game.

Sent them to Urban Dictionary for inclusion.

UPDATE: My word 'graphician' got selected for inclusion in the urban dictionary :-)


Thursday, February 15, 2007 

Alternative use for the Millennium dome.

b3ta ran an image competition the other week to find an alternative use for the Millennium dome.

Here are three of my entries:



Mount St. Millenniums.

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Cala D'or Marina - Majorca.

This is where we went on holidays to in June 2004.

It's been given the tilt shift treatment.

Cala D'or Marina - Majorca
(Click for larger view)

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Monday, February 12, 2007 

Heres another tilt shift.


(Click for larger view)


(Click for larger view)

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Fake tilt shifting.

The term 'tilt shifting' is an effect used by photographers with an angled lens. It alters the perpective of the photograph and can make an ordinary view look model-like or miniture.

The effect can be easily created in Photoshop with pictures already taken.

Here is my first attempt:
My first attempt at fake tilt shifting
(Click for larger view)

The key to a good end result is to remember that one looks at a model from above, therefore it is essential that the source picture is taken from a higher point looking down onto the subject. Strong shadows also help.

Here is my second attempt using a picture of the Celtic Manor resort.

Celtic Manor Original
(Click for larger view)

Celtic Manor tilt Shifted
(Click for larger view)

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Thursday, February 08, 2007 

It's SNOWING!!! :)

The weatherman actually got it right!

I took this photo this morning at about 8 O' Clock looking out from our bedroom window:

(Click for larger view)

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Saturday, February 03, 2007 

Computer maintenance cont.........................!

F**KSOCKS! No sound coming from PC :(

I suspected it was from where I removed the front facia thing, so re-connected it to confirm my theory.

Ta-da! That was it.

A quick touching of pins with a screw driver to find out which ones needed a jumper and it was fixed. The jumper came from the Lightscribe burner that does not work - so something good came from something bad!

Offending jumper.
(Click for larger view)

I can now listen to Nectarine again :-)

EDIT: I just realised that only the left speaker is working. In order to get the right speaker working I had to introduce another jumper (not shown). I had to scrounge this jumper from a neighbour (thanks Mitch!). It connects vertically, right in the middle of the block of pins.



Mia the nationalist. Aged 3 months.

While moving all my data from one hard drive to another last night, I came across this photo taken this time, last year when the 6 Nations Rugby Championship was taking place.

Mia was only 3 months old.

Mia is such a nationalist!
(Click for larger view)

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Computer maintenance cont...

What a nightmare!

There was no spare 3.5" bays, so I had to strip out a front facia thing that had on it: 2 x USB 2.0 ports, 1 x Firewire port and a speaker/mic/headphone jack. I never used it so it does not matter (see below).

Front facia that came out of HP Pavilion PC to make room for second hard drive.
(Click for larger view)
After finally getting the drive in I had to format it to NTFS as I only wanted 1 partition.

Formatting took what felt like a lifetime.

I moved the data over (14Gb) then erased it from C:\ and emptied the recycle bin that took about 45 mins!

I did a final clean up and update of Media Player/Windows/Java/Anti Virus before defragging this morning.

All I need to do now is re-install Adobe Flash Player, Google Toolbar, Yahoo!, MSN and then any other programs as and when I need them.

Success! The computer is definitely running a lot faster.


Friday, February 02, 2007 

Computer maintenance.

I need to install an extra hard drive tonight.

When I bought the computer (Hewlett Packard Pavilion) about 18 months ago, it only had one hard drive in it so EVERYTHING is stored on that drive which includes, digital camera photos, all my music and graphics, so forth and so on.

Lately, it has been getting progressively slower with lots of hard drive noise - not a good sign! To top it off, the Lightscribe burner that come supplied now refuses to read CD's/DVD's yet alone write to them hence my having to stick another drive in.

The plan is this: Add an 80Gb secondary hard drive to move all my files over to, leaving only installed applications on the primary hard drive. I will then un-install a load of stuff I hardly use/don't need before running a complete defrag overnight.
