Round the plot tonight and music talk.
Took a quick trip to the plot again tonight and when I say quick I mean quick. Basically, out the back of our house we have a small lane that seperates us from the plot - lucky me!
This old picture below was taken from our bedroom window and shows our small back garden that goes out to the lane then the plot is beyond that fence you can see.

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Of the 100 onion sets I planted yesterday, only one had been pulled up by a curious bird, so I quickly popped it back in and crumbled some dirt around it to tuck it back in.
The slug traps are really impressive, in all four traps I reckon I have caught about 40+ little baby slugs which surprised me as I have not seen any on the plot before today. Perhaps now is the time the baby slugs are old enough to leave the nest/hole/whatever?!? I am going to keep the bait fresh in these for the next few weeks to hopefully eradicate a lot of the slimy, greedy pests. The bait, if you're wondering, is 'Galahad' lager from Aldi's - only about 60p a can - thing is when putting the 'bait' in the trap its a case of "A bit for the trap, and a bit for me." ;-)
The only other thing done tonight was to pop some broken up card in the composter. I read its good for the compost and high in something or other.
I highly recommend Mike Oldfields new album called 'Music of the Spheres'. Mike Oldfield is the chap who brought us 'Tubular Bells' eons ago. The new album has a classical touch to it with elements of a theatre performance and flows like a soundtrack to a movie. Two of my favourite tracks are: 'On my Heart' - which has a lovely female, Enya-esque sound to it and the final track called 'Musica Universalis' which re-visits one of the tracks from 'Tubular Bells' - the epic one where he keeps saying what instrument he is about to play (if you know Tubular Bells you will know what one I mean).
Its a great album to listen to with a glass or two of wine after a hard days tolling in the allotment.
Speaking of slugs earlier, there is a song that comes to mind. It is called 'Slvg Dvb' by The Orb. Very funny song worth checking out.
This old picture below was taken from our bedroom window and shows our small back garden that goes out to the lane then the plot is beyond that fence you can see.

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Of the 100 onion sets I planted yesterday, only one had been pulled up by a curious bird, so I quickly popped it back in and crumbled some dirt around it to tuck it back in.
The slug traps are really impressive, in all four traps I reckon I have caught about 40+ little baby slugs which surprised me as I have not seen any on the plot before today. Perhaps now is the time the baby slugs are old enough to leave the nest/hole/whatever?!? I am going to keep the bait fresh in these for the next few weeks to hopefully eradicate a lot of the slimy, greedy pests. The bait, if you're wondering, is 'Galahad' lager from Aldi's - only about 60p a can - thing is when putting the 'bait' in the trap its a case of "A bit for the trap, and a bit for me." ;-)
The only other thing done tonight was to pop some broken up card in the composter. I read its good for the compost and high in something or other.
I highly recommend Mike Oldfields new album called 'Music of the Spheres'. Mike Oldfield is the chap who brought us 'Tubular Bells' eons ago. The new album has a classical touch to it with elements of a theatre performance and flows like a soundtrack to a movie. Two of my favourite tracks are: 'On my Heart' - which has a lovely female, Enya-esque sound to it and the final track called 'Musica Universalis' which re-visits one of the tracks from 'Tubular Bells' - the epic one where he keeps saying what instrument he is about to play (if you know Tubular Bells you will know what one I mean).
Its a great album to listen to with a glass or two of wine after a hard days tolling in the allotment.
Speaking of slugs earlier, there is a song that comes to mind. It is called 'Slvg Dvb' by The Orb. Very funny song worth checking out.